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Последние технические публикации

TurNOx – an unique system for NOx abatement in regenerative lime kilns (Code K_2017_EN_DE_038) - Based on extensive knowledge of different lime kilns fired with various fuels, Cimprotetti envisioned the need and possibility for an integrated system of NOx emission control in lime production plants with flexibilities of modulating process parameters without affecting the calcination process in the kiln.[Скачать NavRight ]

Developing a modular lime plant (code H_2017_EN_005) - In recent decades, there has been a growing need to reduce costs in many sectors. This has led industrial groups to optimise the construction time of new plants, so as to more quickly respond to market demand. [Скачать NavRight ]

Ready, Steady, Growth (Code SUP_2018_EN_002) - Thanks to existing technologies and data scientists, Cimprogetti developed a new platform, called BOT, which is a computer programme that works automatically fi nding, information on the internet, delivering new asset value to clients, and maintaining the importance of data security against unauthorised access. [Скачать NavRight ]


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Двух Шахтные
Печи Обжига Извести

Hydration technology




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Reactivity and overburning tendency of quicklime burnt at high temperature (Code K_2019_EN_042) -  This study allowed the investigation of the burnability, overburning tendency, and lime slaking reactivity of carbonate rocks in the typical range  of temperatures occurring in a TSR kiln firing solid fuels (1150 to 1300 °?C). Crushed rock fractions were submitted to burning and slaking tests. A multidisciplinary analytical approach, including chemical-physical, mineralogical-petrographic, crystallographic and thermal analyses, was carried out on raw materials and burnt products. [Скачать NavRight ]

Extending the reach of our future (Code K_2020_EN_043)Using a consolidated worldwide network, Cimprogetti operates as a contractor, providing integrated engineering design from the quarry to the final product, in line with requirements, and based on its proven experience in mechanical and structural engineering, civil engineering, crushing, milling, handling and dedusting. It executes all phases of a quicklime project, from the feasibility study to plant commissioning, in order to guarantee high-performance, reliable and user-friendly plants. [Скачать NavRight ]